What is a Parked Domain and How Does It Work?
A parked domain is a domain name that is registered, but not currently being used for an active website. If you open a parked domain on your browser, it won’t […]
Wondering about some other domains/IP addresses or even your own? Slip on your sleuthing hat and search with our WHOIS lookup tool. Our WHOIS checker will fetch and display all IP and domain records from the relevant WHOIS database. It’ll also include registry information and show when the address was registered.
Your IP Address is
The WHOIS who and what’s what of the internet
Curious about a domain or IP address? Search for it or any domain name in the world, be it in Kenya or globally. You’ll find out if it's registered or yet to be owned. Our WHOIS lookup tool checks all WHOIS registry servers and displays information on all registered domains and IP addresses.
Ensure your domain is ripe for the taking, but unplucked. Our WHOIS lookup tool will let you know first thing if it’s available or not. You’ll also be able to see which WHOIS server offered the data and how recently it was updated. From there, you can decide if you want to leave it floating in the online realms or secure it yourself.
Line up all the details you’ll need when checking out a domain. With our WHOIS lookup tool you can find out who owns the domain you queried, when the ownership expires, and when it was registered. It also shows the domain status, registrant organisation details such as location and contact, and the relevant registrar contacts in case of abuse.
We’ve made spotting domain availability as easy as possible. If the text is green, you’re at liberty to snatch up the domain name for yourself. You’ll notice an “Order Now” button next to it so you can secure the domain name on the spot. Take a look at our page on how to register domains for more on the features.
Of course, your domain name is not worth much unless it’s paired with some form of hosting. Domains and hosting go together like heads and tails of the same coin. You need both for either of them to be usable. Take your pick from some of the more popular hosting offerings below.
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If you still have unanswered questions, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to assist.
The WHOIS record is a public record of domain registrations. It’s mandated and maintained by ICANN, a governing body that regulates domain name registration.
WHOIS works by letting you pull the public records of whoever operates a website’s domain name. Think of it as a phonebook, but for the internet.
The WHOIS record is a public record of domain registrations. It’s mandated and maintained by ICANN, a governing body that regulates domain name registration.
You’ll find details such as when a domain was registered, when it expires, who owns it, their contact information, etc.
Simply enter the domain name or IP address into our WHOIS lookup tool and it’ll spit out the information you’re looking for. All at the click of a button. You’ll have to confirm you’re not a robot as well, so two clicks at most. If it’s available, you’ll be able to secure it for yourself as well. As an example, try entering hostafrica.com into the WHOIS lookup tool above.
As you may have noticed, some information will appear as “REDACTED” in a WHOIS lookup. This is to protect the privacy of registrants, like their name and home address in most cases. Different TLDs have different regulations for what can be considered private.
As with all things, a level of privacy is required. While all relevant contact information is stored in the WHOIS database, some information should remain private such as a registrant’s home address or phone number. This can be for obvious security reasons as the information can be accessed by anyone who uses a WHOIS lookup.
A best solution is to purchase the private registration from your registrar. This ensures that your private information stays private. You’re also able to manage the level of privacy you’d like for some of the information presented such as a completely redacted email address or an anonymised email address.
You’ll need to get in contact with your registrar or reseller that registered your domain name to fix this particular problem. A simple email stating the issue along with the proper information should suffice. Having the incorrect information can cause you to lose your domain name so better to resolve an issue of this kind sooner rather than later.