Why Site Structure Is Important In eCommerce
As a business owner, prioritising site structure and uploading the best content on it is the best way to get noticed by your prospects. Without a decent site structure, the randomness on your site turns away more visitors than it will ever retain or convert. Navigation is important. Visitors must feel they are moving from point A to point B on your site when they navigate. Indeed, a modest site structure will make it easier for search engines to index all your content and pages.
Why Site Structure Is Important In eCommerce
Here is why you need to work on your site structure as soon as possible.
It is important for user experience
The site structure is a key building block for user experience. All your visitors, both regular and new, have to find what they are looking for on your site. If you are selling hair products, for example, a clear description of each product will make your visitors more willing to make a purchase and even share the same with their network. Visitors should be able to find what they are looking for, and also search the pages they want to browse seamlessly. The search button should be well positioned and functional for all on-site queries. With a great site structure, your visitors will be able to understand what you are attempting to sell as well as what you are trying to pass across.
Site structure is important for SEO
A clearly defined site structure will aid your SEO strategy and deliver the results as desired. When your site is well structured, crawl bots will find it much easier to crawl your site and index your content. This means that your most important pages will be prioritized by search engines and likewise for other pages depending on the ‘signals’ from your site structure. This will gradually improve your ranking.
Site structure is important in ‘communicating’ with search engines
Whenever you make changes to your site; like, for example, deleting products or deleting services that you no longer offer, it is important that search engines get to know this and de-index the deleted pages. Without a decent site structure, your site can’t send that signal to search engines. In such a case, deleted pages will still appear in search results. When visitors click on such pages, they are lead to a black page or get an error message. This will only work against you with regards to SEO and your brand authority.
Helps pages rank individually
Page-rank is very important when you are offering multiple related products like different types of hair products. The danger associated with offering such products is that the different product pages will be competing to rank higher than the other in search results. The competition will be with yourself! A good site structure will help you avoid this. You want to rank and compete effectively.
A good site structure will help your visitors navigate your site easily. It will also help you compete effectively with other sites, rather than having your product pages competing against each other. For inquiries, you can always reach out to our dedicated support team. We also have Free Pre-built WordPress Websites ; they are easy to customize or we can do the customization starting at 1,000/- talk to us today! Don’t miss out! Have the most important customizations done in preparation for structured content publishing.