Janet M.
2min Read

How To Create An Email Address On cPanel

How To Create An Email Address On cPanel

cPanel allows you to add an email address, manage, and delete email accounts. You can easily add an email as well as specify the email account’s quota status.

How To Create An Email Address On cPanel

Here is how to create an email an email account on cPanel;

  1. Log in to cPanel
cpanel main homepage
  1. Navigate to the ‘Emails’ section and click on Email accounts
email address on cpanel emails section
  1. Under ‘Email Accounts’ Click on ‘Create’ to be redirected to an email creation menu.
Email address on cpanel create email section
  1. In the ‘Username’ field, key in the name as you you would like it to be before your

domain. For example, if your domain is shltraining.me.ke, the username for our case will be reuben so that the email address becomes reuben@shltraining.me.ke

email address on cpanel username section
  1. In the ‘Password’ field, you can input your desired password or auto-generate one by clicking on ‘GENERATE’ just after the ‘Password’ field.
email address on cpanel password
  1. After setting the password, you can scroll down and click ‘Create’ to finish creating your email address or, you can perform the following optional settings.
Email address on cpanel creation
  • Under the ‘Storage Space’ section, you can enter a custom disk storage size or select ‘Unlimited’ if you do not want to limit the amount of space for the account. The default is 1024MB.
  • In the Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing section, selecting ‘Automatically Create Folders’ means that when you receive an email that uses plus addressing, the system will create a new folder. The server moves a message that uses plus addressing to a designated folder if the folder exists. For example, the system would place a message to user+reuben@shltraining.co.ke in the reuben folder. Selecting ‘Do Not Automatically Create Folders’ means that when you receive an email that uses plus addressing, the system will not create a new folder. Instead, it delivers the message to the inbox folder. The default selection is ‘Automatically Create Folders’ which is okay.
  • Select the ‘Send welcome email with instructions to set up a mail client’ checkbox to send set up instructions to the email address. You can then click ‘Create’

After purchasing a hosting package with us, you can always get in touch with us regarding your cPanel account. You can contact our support team directly at any time of the day or interact with us on Facebook and Twitter

The Author

Janet M.

Janet is a digital media specialist with 4+ years of experience in technical writing for the web hosting industry. She is also passionate about creative writing and storytelling. She combines her technical knowledge with her creativity to produce engaging content that informs and captivates readers across various platforms.

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