Can I Change My cPanel Interface

cPanel is a web-based control panel that enables you to manage your domain through an easy-to-use web interface. With cPanel, you can manage all aspects of your site, including e-mail, files, backups, FTP, website statistics, and general site identity.
While the default interface is okay, everybody’s got their style and preference; a dark mode star-wars-like theme or some light or retro vibe. In case you are a little unimpressed with the default interface you are used to, you can change your cPanel interface along with the following aspects;
Can I Change My cPanel Interface
· Create a custom cPanel Style
Applying a style will modify the appearance of the entire cPanel interface WITHOUT changes to its functionality or features.
Here is how you can change the cPanel style to your liking,
1. Log on to cPanel

2. Navigate to Preferences from cPanel Home

3. Under Preferences, click on Change Style

4. Select the style you would like to have. To customize further, you can click on the Settings icon on your desired style to perform further customizations.

cPanel is the easiest way to manage your website files and effect changes to your user account/accounts. All you need to have access to this amazing platform is a hosting package which you can order for immediate delivery here.