Viona W.
2min Read

Is it possible to change your website’s domain name?

You can spend a lifetime trying to get the perfect domain name. You know – easy to type, short, memorable, with the keywords that describe your business – the list is endless. Time spent doesn’t guarantee the satisfaction of the name. Could be your perfect domain name is already taken making you settle for less. When you’re finally able to register it after the initial registrant gets too sloppy, how do you go about the domain change?
Before we jump in on the how, here are some reasons why domain names are important.

  • They help you gain credibility: Potential clients likely to interact with your domain name and website are likely to form an opinion about it. With a domain name and website, clients tend to take your company seriously.
  • Draw the client’s interest: A relevant domain name will help attract to the clients. While clients are looking for a service or product online, they are likely to open a domain name that has keywords relating to what they are searching.

In what instances would you want to change a domain name?

  •  If the domain name is not attracting clients or the right kind of clients.
  •  If the domain name has a funny meaning. Always research the meaning of the name you choose. It might seem completely innocent until someone points out the funny connotation. Make use of the urban dictionary as well before settling on a name.
  • If the domain name once unavailable becomes available. You might get an opportunity to register the domain name you had intended.
  • To suit your business needs. You can change your domain name to suit your business needs especially if you diversify in products or services as the company grows.
  • To change the domain name extension. With new fancy domain names popping up every day, you might want to switch to something new or fun.

How then do you do a domain name change?
You need to check whether the domain name that you would like to change to is available on the whois search. You can search below.
Search Here
write an email to, requesting for domain registration and root change order. Kindly get in touch to get the right invoice.
Our team will perform a root change to help change from the old domain to the new domain.
It’s important to note that you might want to inform your clients that the site has changed so that when our domain is unavailable, they will not assume you are experiencing disruptions.

The Author

Viona W.

With over 7 years of experience crafting tech content, Viona W is a valuable asset to the HOSTAFRICA editorial team. Her skills extend beyond writing, as she also boasts experience in public relations and cultivating relationships with media outlets. This makes Viona adept at ensuring HOSTAFRICA's achievements and initiatives gain well-deserved public recognition. When Viona isn't immersed in the world of tech, she enjoys seeking out new experiences in nature and the power of storytelling to create positive change.

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