Viona W.
3min Read

The New Normal: What’s next for Kenyan businesses?

We would love to send our love to all our clients and wish them good health and breakthroughs in their businesses. It has been a tough period for many, and things are yet to slow down. That said, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and re-imagine how we do business. This dire-situation calls for innovative ways of handling business during and after Covid19 pandemic. We have to look forward to business continuity instead of going down in defeat. So, what’s next for your business? What areas do you need to review?

  1. Customer Service – must be outstanding: The new normal is now prompting companies to rethink their level of customer support. During this time, everyone is on edge, and you can’t blame them. The uncertainty is causing peevishness and the demand for excellent customer support. Any delays in responses will result in clients moving on to the next service provider. If your business is lagging in this area, you’re in trouble!
  2. Business flexibility: Remember a while back when there was a go paperless campaign, and you brushed it off? Now is the time to ensure your business is flexible. Revise your procedures and simplify them to something less tedious. Whichever mode of doing business works for you; be it email, phone call, social media or messaging, ensure it is convenient for your clients. A great deal is to offer as many options as possible, that extra convenience will keep clients coming.
  3. Explore new markets: With every crisis, new opportunities arise. It’s time to zoom your way into a company brainstorming session and gather ideas on what new opportunities to explore. In an unsavage-like comment; some businesses have closed, and your business might fill in those shoes. Research and jump on those opportunities.
  4. Automation! There’s a need for more automation: This is not negotiable. The truth is we’re never going back to the old way of doing things. Your company needs to have most of the services, if not all, automated. Your payments, orders and delivery should be a smooth sail. Automating your processes will not only manage your clients but also play a great role in adhering to social distancing rules.
  5.  Consumer behaviour redefined: With the pandemic, some businesses are still trying to sell to their old clients, using their old adverts and so on. Things have changed. It is time for the sales team to revisit their analytics and study consumer behaviour. It is becoming necessary for companies to keep adjusting to the new changes, and so are customers. Have you checked your analytics lately? You might be surprised how much the curves have changed.

Lastly, I don’t know what business your company is into, but a technology-enabled solution is the-way-to-go. Whatever service you’re providing, you can innovatively come up with a tech solution achieving the same goal. This new reset has rightfully pushed the world into a total digital mode. Don’t be left behind by this wave. Even when things are getting tougher by the day, there’s a silver lining. Start working on your business to adapt to the new normal.

“Everything is temporary. Nothing lasts. We’re born. We die. Life’s all about loss and change. Things happen, we learn to adapt or we don’t, but we move on in some way or another. Sometimes that’s hard and takes longer than we’d like. ”

~Barbara Elsborg

How can we help?

We’re glad to call you and discuss some of the online business solutions we offer. With over 13 years of experience, we will help you transition to online business with ease.

The Author

Viona W.

With over 7 years of experience crafting tech content, Viona W is a valuable asset to the HOSTAFRICA editorial team. Her skills extend beyond writing, as she also boasts experience in public relations and cultivating relationships with media outlets. This makes Viona adept at ensuring HOSTAFRICA's achievements and initiatives gain well-deserved public recognition. When Viona isn't immersed in the world of tech, she enjoys seeking out new experiences in nature and the power of storytelling to create positive change.

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